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A little about baptism…

  • What is baptism?

    Water Baptism is a celebration and declaration of your commitment to follow Jesus! It’s symbolic of Christ’s burial and resurrection. When we enter the water during baptism, we identify with Christ’s death on the cross. When we are raised out of the water, we identify with Christ’s resurrection. We bury our old life and rise to walk in a new life. Through Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection we are made free (Romans 6:4; 1 Peter 3:21).

  • Why should I be baptized?

    Jesus instructs us to be baptized and set the example by being baptized. God was well pleased when Jesus was baptized (Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 1:9). Obedience to Jesus shows we believe and follow Him. Because Jesus displayed his love for us, we can display our love for Him through baptism.

  • When should I be baptized?

    Once you’ve decided to follow Jesus, water baptism is your best next step.

  • Do you baptize children?

    If they’ve made a commitment to follow Jesus, are old enough to understand the meaning of baptism, and want to express that commitment through water baptism, they may be baptized. If your child has already asked Jesus into his or her life, we recommend you discuss what water baptism is and what it means to help them determine whether they’re ready to be water baptized.

    Children ages 5 and older who have made a decision to follow Jesus have the opportunity to get baptized during our baptism weekends!

  • Why is it important to be fully immersed in baptism?

    Jesus was baptized by being immersed in the water and rising out of it (Matthew 3:16, Mark 1:10). When we enter the water during baptism, we identify with Christ’s death on the cross. When we are raised out of the water, we identify with Christ’s resurrection.

  • Do I need to be baptized again?

    If you haven’t been water baptized since your decision to follow Jesus, it’s your best next step. Once you’ve been fully immersed in water, there’s no need to be baptized again.

Frequently Asked Questions

Tap on the video below to hear some commonly asked questions surrounding getting baptized.