• Click here to request a letter from Liberty Counsel. They offer letters that have been very effective in religious exemption cases.

  • Only current members of Freedom House Church will receive an exemption letter, or pastors of another church may receive a template letter to use for their members.

  • Our current processing time is 2-3 business days.

  • You can still become a member by watching our Get On Track membership videos and committing to being connected at Freedom House while actively looking for a local church in your local community. To request these videos, email info@freedomhouse.cc.

  • No, we are only writing letters for the current member — not for friends or family members unless they also attend.

  • No, you must be a current member.

  • Please fill out the form shown above to receive information on your next steps.

  • If your employer did not accept your letter, we encourage you to reach out to a local employment attorney. Be careful about your next steps with your employer as there may be benefits or consequences based on how your employment comes to an end. It may be better to stand your ground and have your employer terminate you, but it’s important to discuss this with legal counsel. Every state has different employment laws, and you might need help understanding how your specific local government rules will impact you.

    As a church, our stance will always be that followers of Jesus Christ must listen to their conscience and the Holy Spirit, and stand firm on their convictions. That takes faith and requires risk, but when we stand by faith, we know God will cover us and provide for us.