We are a generous church.

At Freedom House, we believe in being a generous church and providing opportunities to be generous to our community.

*2024 Giving Statements are available to view here.*

Select your Campus, and your sub-fund.

Giving Opportunities

 At Freedom House, we believe in being a generous church and providing opportunities to be generous to our community.  

There are three distinct opportunities to give: a tithe, a Kingdom Builders commitment, and our annual Liberty Offering.


Kingdom Builders


What is tithing?
Tithing is the recognition that everything we have is from God. Through giving the first 10% of our gross income to the local church, we acknowledge that the 100% came from God’s goodness.

Tithe Challenge.
Click here to take the 90-day tithe challenge.

Give your tithe.
You can give:

  • Online by clicking here.

  • By bringing cash or check to one of our campuses on Sunday morning.

  • Or, by mailing it to 3020 Prosperity Church Rd #513Charlotte, NC 28269

A Kingdom Builder is a person, not a program. A Kingdom Builder is YOU. A Kingdom Builder chooses to give over and above their tithe, weekly, monthly, or annually. Their regular giving expands the vision of Freedom House Church.

Click here to learn more.

Liberty is a one time gift received annually where everyone from kids to the oldest member of Freedom House can raise funds or give out of extra finances to accomplish specific initiatives together.

Our Liberty offering for 2024 is going to four incredible objectives. Click here to read more and donate.

What do we believe about tithing?

  • “And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lord’s. It is holy to the Lord” (Leviticus 27:30).

  • “The purpose of tithing is to teach you to always put God in first place in your lives” (Deuteronomy 14:23).

  • “Always remember that it is the Lord your God who gives you the ability to produce wealth” (Deuteronomy 8:18).

  • “Each of you should bring a gift in proportion to the way the Lord your God has blessed you” (Deuteronomy 16:17).

  • “Bring your whole tithe to My storehouse, test me in this,” says the Lord, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you won’t have room enough for it” (Malachi 3:10).

  • “Bring your whole tithe to my storehouse (temple)” (Malachi 3:10).

Generosity Testimonies

Giving Statements

End-of-year giving statements can be downloaded starting January 31st by logging into your FHConnect account. Select “My Giving” then “My Giving Statements.”

If you have questions regarding your contributions and statements or any financial matter, please email finance@freedomhouse.cc.

If you have general contact questions unrelated to contributions, please email info@freedomhouse.cc.

End-of-Year Gift Matching

Reach out to your employer to find out if they will match your yearly contribution! Some employers that match are listed below:

General Electric • BP • Gap Corporation • State Street Corporation • ExxonMobil • CarMax • Johnson & Johnson • Choice Hotels • Microsoft • Pfizer • Capital Group • Bristol-Myers Squibb • Coca-Cola • IBM • Avon • Air Products and Chemicals • American Express • FM Global • MBIA

Frequently Asked Questions.

  • There are several ways to give a non-cash gift. Contact us to learn more.

  • We can help you make sure your gifts goes to the correct designation. If you want to make a correction to your contribution, contact us for assistance.

  • Use the Reset Account link located on the bottom of the sign-in page. Once you enter the email address associated with your account, you will receive a link to create a new password.

  • Sign into your account and select “My Account” Once you enter the new email address, select “Save” at the bottom.

  • Sign into your account and select “My Giving” then “View/Update Payment Methods”. To change the card information, select the pencil icon, edit the card information, and select “Update Payment Method” to save the changes. To make a change on a recurring gift, select Edit. From here you can change the amount and the payment method.

  • Sign into your account and select “My Giving.” Cash, check and online gifts will be shown on this page. For non-cash related gifts, such as stocks, please reach out to finance@freedomhouse.cc.

  • Statements can be located by logging into your account and selecting “My Giving” then “My Giving Statements.”

Add or change your recurring gift.

In order to make giving easier, we are moving to a new giving platform called ONLINE GIVING. During this transition, all recurring gifts will need to be transferred from the old platform to the new platform.

To cancel your old recurring gift, click the left button below and edit and cancel each recurring gift. To setup your new recurring gift, click the right button below and follow the instructions. For assistance, call the church at (704) 970-0092 or email finance@freedomhouse.cc.