Our vision at Freedom House is to equip people to experience Christ’s freedom in their everyday lives.
Our core values.
Our core beliefs.
The Bible
The Bible is the inspired word of God and is therefore our authoritative and infallible guide in all things. It contains a record of God's heart for people since the beginning of time and can give life and freedom to everyone (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21).
There is one God who always existed and always will. He exists in three equal persons: the Father; the Son, or Jesus; and the Holy Spirit (the Trinity). The Father sent the word (John 16:28; John 1:14). The Son is the word who became flesh (a man), and he has existed since before the beginning of time (John 1:1; John 1:18; John 1:14). The Holy Spirit is the "doer," doing the work of the Father and the Son (Genesis 1:2; John 15:26).
People are beings created by God and made in his image. When Adam (through the devil’s influence) did not obey God in the Garden of Eden, his disobedience caused Adam and all his offspring (all people) to be cursed (Genesis 3). This is when disobedience and rebellion (also known as "sin") entered the world. Sin causes us to be separated from God. Jesus came to bring us back into relationship with God (John 10:10; Colossians 1:21-23) and destroy the devil’s influence (1 John 3:8). He did this through his death, burial, and resurrection (being raised from the dead).
The Church
The mobilized church is the hope of the world! The Bible is clear on the importance of gathering as the church, “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:25). We believe that governments, businesses, and social organizations all have an important role, but only the church has God’s power and mission to bring redemption and freedom to the world. For this reason, the church is essential and our doors will always remain open.
Christ's Return
Jesus is coming back for his church (the "Rapture"). The angels said to Jesus’ followers, "And some day, just as you saw Him go, He will return" (Acts 1:11). When He comes, "First, all the Christians who have died will rise from their graves. Then, together with them, we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and remain with Him forever" (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).
Following Jesus
God loves you and gave His only Son to die for your sins (John 3:16). The Bible teaches that God is love, but He is also holy and just. He will not ignore our sin, but His love is so amazing that He took the penalty for your sin through what Jesus did on the cross. We can receive this free gift of God's grace through faith (Romans 10:9-10). When we confess that Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that He died for our sins and has risen from the dead, the Bible says that we are saved. The goal of salvation is for you to become a son or daughter of God. He wants to have a close personal relationship with you and He loves you so much that He desires to transform you from the inside out. When you are saved, God changes your heart and gives you a desire to become more like Jesus!
In Water — Being submerged in water is a public way to celebrate the spiritual change that happened when you were born again. It's a symbol of having died and been buried, then coming up out of the grave free of our old dead selves (John 3:3-21; Acts 8:27-39). Water baptism does not save you — it's a celebration of being saved. This is why water baptism is only offered to those who understand salvation and have been saved. In the Holy Spirit — Being baptized in the Holy Spirit is a free gift from Jesus Christ to anyone who is both saved and willing to receive it (Mark 1:8, Luke 11:13; Acts 19:1-6). This baptism sometimes first shows up as speaking in a spiritual language (also known as "tongues," (Acts 2:4). Since the Holy Spirit is our helper (John 14:26), being baptized in Him empowers us to a life of discipleship (Acts 1:8; Galatians 5:22-23).
Communion (also called "The Lord's Supper") is a chance for Christ-followers to remember and honor Jesus' death and resurrection. During his final meal before he was crucified, Jesus took bread, blessed it, then broke it, and shared it with his disciples. He said the bread represents His body, broken for us. Then he took wine (which represents the blood that he shed for our sins) and shared it with his disciples. Jesus told us to eat the bread and drink the wine to remember him (Luke 22:14-20). The Bible goes on to tell us that we shouldn't take Communion lightly. We should examine our hearts and make sure we're not treating Communion as if it's a meal. We should take Communion understanding that it's an act of remembrance and honor to Jesus until he returns for us (1 Corinthians 11:20-34).
We believe that God is a healer and will heal anyone who prays to be healed. We understand that God heals in many different ways. When Jesus healed in the New Testament, He used many different methods. (Acts 10:38, Mark 9:25) God can heal supernaturally and He can and will use anything at His disposal including doctors, medications, surgery, etc to bring about someone’s healing.
Sacredness of Marriage
Marriage is a sacred covenant made between one man and one woman, before God. This covenant was created by God in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:20-25), and confirmed by Jesus Christ (Matthew 19:3-6; Mark 10:3-9). This sacred covenant as instituted by God is both promoted and celebrated at Freedom House.
Homosexuality/Alternative Lifestyles
The Bible clearly teaches that Homosexuality is a sin. Just like any other sinful behavior, we are called by God to love the person struggling with sin. In our current culture, homosexuality and other "alternative lifestyles" are being labeled as normal. We welcome people who are struggling in this area, but we will not embrace or condone what the Bible calls sinful. Our role as the church is to help people find freedom through a relationship with Jesus Christ. We do not believe that people are defined by their sexual impulses or desires. Temptation in these areas can be overcome through the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit.
We believe God created people both male and female with inherent biological and personal distinctions between them and that these created differences are good, proper, and beautiful. (Genesis 1:27) Although men and women are equal before God as recipients of his grace, we believe that God has designed men and women with distinct traits and to fulfill distinct roles in the family. We do not believe that gender changes based on preference.
Women In Ministry
The New Testament is filled with numerous examples of women actively participating in ministry. Luke 8:1-3 cites several women by name that ministered to Jesus on a regular basis from their possessions (v.3). In Acts 2, Peter quotes the prophet Joel who prophesied that God’s spirit would be poured on ALL flesh and “….your daughters shall prophesy…And on my..maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days”. The promise was to and about both men and women. In Acts 18, Priscilla ministered right alongside her husband running one of the early examples of a LifeGroup. In 2 Timothy 1, Paul references the great faith of Timothy’s mother and grandmother in encouraging the young man to pursue the gift God had placed in him. The role of women in ministry is invaluable and we believe in equally equipping both men and women to serve in the body of Christ.
We believe in the sanctity of human life. We believe that life starts at conception, and that all life has dignity and is worthy of protection. (Jeremiah 1:5, Deuteronomy 5:17) Abortion is clearly a violation of God's Word, and should also be against the law because it takes an innocent life. Although abortion is clearly a sin that breaks God's heart, we also believe that God has compassion and forgiveness for any woman who has had an abortion and for anyone who has encouraged it. Complete forgiveness and restoration is available through faith in Jesus Christ.
We believe one of God's attributes is justice. (Isaiah 30:18, Isaiah 61:8) Freedom House Church has always stood against all forms of injustice. We actively fight against it in many areas, including but not limited to racism, sexism, sex trafficking, polygamy, and poverty. We do this by putting our money and efforts directly into our local and global communities.